Alopecia Treatment San Antonio
At The Dermatology and Laser Center of San Antonio, we have treated Alopecia/Hair Loss for over 38 years. We also offer clinical trials for Alopecia Areata.
Overview of Alopecia / Hair Loss
In the dermatology world “alopecia” is the general term for hair loss. If you saw my (Dr. Davis’s) photo on our website you would see that he has a rather handsome version of “male pattern alopecia”, also known as baldness! If you ask him he will lament that many men, unfortunately, have their otherwise handsome scalp cluttered by a thick growth of hair. However, to each his own, of course…
Most forms of “alopecia,” though, are no laughing matter. “Alopecia areata” is the medical term describing patches of complete hair loss, large or small, without any scarring or inflammation. Our dermatologists and dermatology-certified physician assistants see it often. In some cases it resolves on its own, while, in other cases there are ready and safe alopecia treatment options.
Some patients may qualify for one of our clinical research trials, conducted by our own Dermatology Clinical Research Center of San Antonio, which look at investigational new or unique prescription products available only in an FDA-approved clinical study settings.
Why See Us For Your Hair Loss/Alopecia Treatment San Antonio?
Dermatologists are specially trained to evaluate a whole variety of causes of alopecia. For example, those caused by Lupus, infections, trauma, psychological and other factors. We do our best to give each patient the personal attention they deserve and don’t engage in offering many of the advertised hair growth remedies that may provide benefit to their sellers, but not to the patients.
Alopecia/Hair Loss FAQs?
Does Insurance Cover Alopecia/Hair Loss?
Yes, most insurance plans consider this a medical condition and cover treatment. As always, insurance is subject to deductibles and co-pays. When you call for an appointment we can tell you if we take your insurance. We do take most insurances, however.
Do You See Private-Pay Patients for Alopecia/Hair Loss?
Yes, we are happy to see patients without insurance and we charge them what insurance companies normally “allow”. So, if you’re a cash patient, you are not penalized by paying a retail rate far above what we expect to receive from a health insurance plan.