Comprehensive Psoriasis Treatment and Research in San Antonio
Building on a 35 year experience with treating Psoriasis, our Psoriasis treatment center offers a suite of both traditional and advanced treatments. We are committed to the latest medicines and therapies for treating psoriasis of the body and scalp. Furthermore, we investigate new treatments for Psoriasis in FDA-approved clinical trials.
The condition varies in manner and severity from patient-to-patient. So, we customize treatment to fit each patient’s needs and resources. We invite you to come in for a consultation to see how we can tailor a treatment program that’s just right for you.

Treatment options available at the Dermatology & Laser Center of San Antonio include:
- Topical Creams and Ointments
- Advanced Oral medications, including Otezla
- Narrowband UVB Phototherapy for the body, hands and feet
- Oral and injectable biologic agents, including Cosentyx, Enbrel, Humira, Stelara, Taltz, and Tremfya
- Comprehensive programs for treating the scalp
- Clinical Trials
The newest therapeutic class of drugs for this condition are the biologic agents. Biologic agents are administered by injection and they reduce inflammation in the skin and elsewhere in the body. These medicines are intended to treat patients with moderate to severe psoriasis, patients with psoriatic arthritis, or patients who have failed to respond to other forms of treatment.
Selection of a specific agent is based on the patient’s medical history, the presence or absence of psoriatic arthritis, and other factors.
Biologic agents which we prescribe include:
- Cosentyx
- Taltz
- Humira
- Enbrel
- Stelara
- Tremfya
More resources for patients are available at the National Psoriasis Foundation. The site has outstanding resources for patients and their caregivers regarding the condition and its treatment.
Finally, to learn more about your options, contact us. Call our office at 210.614.3355 or fill out our web form to schedule an appointment today.