Spider Vein Treatment in San Antonio
With 40 years of experience treating spider veins in San Antonio, we offer spider vein treatment that is safe, affordable, and effective.
Overview of Spider Veins
You may have great looking legs, or at least good looking legs, and you just don’t want those fine leg veins to stand out. “How to get rid of spider veins,” is a question we get quite often. Fortunately, we offer spider vein treatment in San Antonio to fit your needs and budget.

Why See Us For Your Spider Veins?
Despite the allure of “laser treatment for leg veins,” and we were among the first nationally to offer such laser treatments, at The Dermatology & Laser Center of San Antonio, we still rely on a steady, standard spider vein treatment that works well and is very cost effective: Sclerotherapy.
Spider Vein Treatments
Sclerotherapy is a time-honored way to eliminate spider veins. We take very thin, fine needles (30, 31, and 32 gauge for those technically savvy), and insert them into the individual veins. Then, we slowly inject small amounts of a sterile saline-anesthetic combo, and watch the blood get flushed out of one or more connected veins.
“Sclero” means scar, but don’t be frightened off by this. “Scar” in this context is simply a narrowing in the tiny tunnel that makes up your fine leg veins to the point that blood flow through those “spider veins” stops. No blood flow, therefore, equals no visible veins. It’s a simple concept, but one quite achievable in our office for the great majority of women (and men) who we treat with sclerotherapy.
Spider Vein Removal Cost With Sclerotherapy
A good result with sclerotherapy for spider veins may cost in the $300 to $400 range with a single treatment covering various parts of the legs. If you have lots of spider veins the costs go up, in the hundreds, not thousands, of dollars. Our patients think sclerotherapy for spider veins is quite affordable, and the cost is certainly less than when we or others use lasers or Intense Pulsed Light (“IPL”) to treat those same veins.
Laser and IPL Spider Vein Treatment
If you feel that “sclero” doesn’t work on you, or that your veins are too tiny to treat with your fine-needle injections, then we do have a laser and IPL device to treat very fine spider veins in selected patients. Feel free to ask us about it. We’ve used these devices hundreds of times int the past. Although, for most patients, we just find that sclerotherapy is straightforward, reliable, and very cost-effective. Bottom line, we won’t try to sell you a high-tech, more expensive treatment (lasers or IPL) when sclerotherapy with hypertonic saline is such a successful and affordable choice.
Spider Vein Treatment FAQs

Does Insurance Cover Spider Vein Removal?
No. Spider vein treatments are considered cosmetic, so we would not submit fees for spider vein removal to you health insurance.