Personalized Treatment for Veins And Vascular Growths
With a Variety of Tools:
Starlux™ Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Nd:Yag laser, Focal ConMed™ Hyfrecator, Sclerotherapy, Intra-lesional injection, Oral medication
With more than 30 years experience treating veins and vascular growths we can customize a treatment plan that’s right for you.
Request a Consult
If you have any of the following conditions related to veins or vascular growths, come and see us at our dermatology clinic in San Antonio. We’ll take a look and let you know your options.
Fine veins on your face or nose?
Intense Pulsed Light (“IPL”) + our Zimmer™ Cooler safely and comfortably zaps tiny veins on the nose, central face and chin. Treatments are quick and affordable.
Cherry hemangiomas and telangiectasis?
These small, red bumps and “spider”-like clusters on the face, trunk, arms or legs respond nicely to IPL, fine focal hyfrecation or our Nd:Yag laser.
Portwine stains on the face?
With multiple treatments we can reduce or eliminate these purple birthmarks with IPL and our Nd:Yag laser. Though considered “cosmetic” this is truly gratifying for us and our patients.
Spider veins on the legs?
Sclerotherapy injections reliably remove red and purple veins on the feet, ankles and legs. Our combination of saline and anesthetic makes treatment comfortable and safe. And tiny pink veins may respond to IPL treatment. We’ll customize treatment to your needs. Want to learn more? Click here for FAQs.
Cavernous hemangiomas in children or adults
Such large blood vessel clusters, often present shortly after birth, respond to serial injections with local anesthesia, IPL, Nd:Yag laser and, more recently, to oral beta-blockers. We can consult with you to see which option(s) will be best for your or your child.
Cosmetic Services

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If you are interested, call our office at 210-614-3355 to schedule a consultation, or simply click the button below to fill out our contact form. We look forward to seeing you.